The main directions of production activity of Almatykurylys in compliance with the State Licence № 000895 are as follows:
projects for capital construction;
complete comprehensive construction work;
special construction and erection works including;
laying the system of gas and pipe lines;
lay out works on external engineering network and structures;
lay out works on inside engineering system;
works to protect constructions and equipment;
works to finish to dress constructions and equipment;
road building works;
works to lay out territories;
maintanence building works, reconstruction and reinforcement of buildings and structures;
internal control of the quality of construction and erection works;
engineering services.
Construction at our own expence and sale of construction projects, production and sale of building materials and constructions, granting on lease of our real estates, hotel service – this is the incomplete list of the services which enables the company to carry out a flexible policy of the economic activity.